How to Command a Fair Price for Your Land in As-Is Condition?

How can you set a fair price for your land? 

Pricing land requires a multi-layered strategy. You can’t simply compare recently completed transactions to come up with a price point. You have to create a strategy based on your specific land parcel. 

This article will give you concrete examples about how to price your land. We will talk about different locations, scenarios, and the exact tools you need to come up with a fair price. 

A vacant lot in a city can get some comparable properties, but what about distant recreational land? Let’s dive in. 

Is Your Land Accessible? 

Land transactions have two types of access: physical and legal. It’s great if you have both. Road access gives you bonus points to set a higher price for your land. 

We will first start with the location. Let’s say there are two similar land parcels, each with a 20-acre size, but one doesn’t have road access. That’ll drastically affect its price. If your land has easy access, congratulations. When writing the listing: 

Emphasize easement rights, access roads, or potential for development (even if limited). If there’s no direct road access, be transparent about it, but also provide creative solutions for access.

Include detailed directions, satellite maps, and aerial photos of the property. If the land is difficult to access, show the nearest road or access points. Your ideal buyer might be an adventurous soul or an investor, but either way, they want to know how to reach the land.

Price Based on Market Comparisons, Not Just Land Size

Pricing remote land isn’t just about the size. The key is to compare land with similar characteristics in the same region. Look for land that is:

  • In a similar  location
  • Zoned for similar purposes
  • Has similar access to utilities and roads.

How to Find Comparable Sales (Comps) for Selling Your Land? 

Start your research online on land marketplaces like LandWatch and Zillow. You need to check for similar listings in your area. You can also browse county property records for recent sales data. Focus on properties with similar size, location, and zoning, access, and features. 

Example Pricing:

Let’s say, you found a comparable property covering 50 acres of barren land in a remote location. Each acre is worth $1,200. So the total price will be $60,000 for 50-acres. If your land has better access or amenities, you can increase the price to $1300-$1500 per acre.

Evaluate Comparable Sales (Comps) with Precision

Similar to residential properties, recent sales of comparable properties influence land value. 

Look for similar properties in the same county with similar acreage, topography, and land use (e.g., timber, hunting, or recreational). Once you have the results, adjust for differences. You will adjust the price on two factors: land features and the demand of the end buyer. 

Your land may have asphalt road frontage, which is a premium, while another may not. Heavily treed acreage is valuable for timber but might not appeal to buyers looking for cleared farmland. 


  • Comp 1: 150-acre property sold for $500,000 but had no road access (a $50,000 negative).
  • Comp 2: 200-acre recreational property with game and similar amenities sold for $700,000 but was on a slope (a $30,000 negative).

Market Your Land to the Right Buyer’s Group

What’s the purpose of your land? Who will benefit from your land? Residential land offers opportunities for developers and commercial investors. Remote land attracts different buyers than land in urban areas. These buyers could include:

  • Off-grid enthusiasts
  • Hunters
  • Investors
  • Farmers or ranchers
  • Adventure seekers

Plan your marketing strategy to attract your ideal buyer. Here are some examples to help you get started:

  1. Off-Grid Buyers: Use websites like Off-Grid Living or Survivalist forums to market land specifically designed for sustainable living.
    • Example: “This parcel presents the perfect opportunity to enjoy off-grid lifestyle with all amenities.”
  2. Hunters: If the land is wooded or has natural resources, target hunting forums or local outdoor retailers to reach interested buyers.
    • Example: “Perfect for hunting, this property offers access to dense woods, ideal for deer, turkey, and other game.”
  3. Investors: Market land as an investment with long-term value or future development potential.
  • Example: “This remote land is a perfect investment opportunity. The area is expected to see growth in the next 5-10 years, with possible zoning changes and road improvements.”

Understand Zoning and Land Use Regulations

Zoning can either limit or enhance the value of your vacant land parcel. For example, you can convert recreational land to residential or mixed-use.

How to figure out zoning regulations in your area? 

  • Contact the local county assessor’s office or use GIS mapping systems to check zoning, easements, and restrictions.
  • Research future zoning changes or infrastructure developments (new highways, residential communities) that could increase value.


  • If zoning allows subdivision of the 250-acre recreational land into 10-acre residential plots, it significantly raises the value. Selling smaller parcels often yields higher prices per acre than selling in bulk.

How are Topography and Soil Quality? 

The value of flat, level land differs from that of rolling or steep land, depending on the intended use. Timber and agriculture buyers look at soil type, while developers prioritize level land. You can order a soil analysis from a local agricultural extension office. Analyze the USDA Web Soil Survey to evaluate soil quality and drainage.


  • Level land with fertile soil can be marketed to farmers, raising the price per acre from $3,500 to $5,000. Conversely, rolling or sloped terrain might appeal to recreational buyers at a lower rate of $2,500 per acre.

Is Your Land Generating Income? 

Let’s say you own recreational land covered with timber. Timberland and hunting leases provide immediate income potential, which adds to land value. You can contact a forester to appraise the value of your trees based on species, maturity, and current timber market prices. Also calculate potential income from hunting leases by analyzing demand for hunting game like turkey and whitetail deer in your area.


  • Let’s say the mature hardwood trees are worth $75,000. There is also an annual hunting lease that generates $5,000. Together, this can mark an $80k increase in your land’s value.

Does Your Land Have Unique Features? 

Buyers pay for land with rare or desirable amenities like greenbelts, access to water, or proximity to public land. Highlight unique features like your asphalt road frontage, natural forest, and other interesting facts about your land.


  • The Greenbelt designation might reduce property taxes, making the land more appealing to long-term investors. A buyer interested in eco-tourism might pay a premium for conservation land.


Imagine that: The land you’ve owned for years—perhaps inherited, maybe purchased with dreams that changed over time—finally becomes the stepping stone for something greater. Maybe it’s been sitting untouched, gathering weeds instead of wealth. Now, picture turning that unused land into cash you can use today: to pay off debts, fund your next big project, or simply regain peace of mind.

At 1800-Land Offer, we make selling land effortless. No listing fees, no drawn-out negotiations, and no expensive improvements. We buy land as-is, whether it’s remote, vacant, or tied up in complexities like easements or zoning restrictions. 

Let us help you close this chapter so you can focus on the next steps. Join us for a free consultation so our team can understand your goals. Reach out today for a no-obligation cash offer—we’ll buy your land in as-is condition for a fair cash price.

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